 Current Version: 0.013a Last Update: 4.6.2024
Effloresce Cordis
Effloresce Cerebrum
Effloresce Stomachum
Effloresce Oculos
Effloresce Nuntium
Effloresce Auribus
Media Samples
Development Status / Road Map

Effloresce Development Status
Current Version: 0.013a Updated: 4.6.2024
Next Version: 0.014a
Planned Release June 1st
Planned Updates: This will be a major release of how Effloresce AI will work, orgianlly we wanted to have Oculos, Nuntium and Auribus to be stand alone frameworks, but as we discovered during creation of Cordis and Cerebrum we found the framework shuold not be seperate to speed up time and use other models in the Cerebrum framework and not need to dive into other areas when it was stand alone. Also in this update we will be moving Cordis from Ram to CUDA to decode and compile. Middle Neave has two Effloresce computers and are going to focus making one main system with a larger database and three 4090 video card systems.
Framework: Effloresce Cordis
Framework Version: 0.010a
Framework Update: March 10 2024
Framework: Effloresce Cordis
Framework Version: 1.0b
Neural decoding using CUDA instead of RAM, TensorFlow fix, AI fix from default nonlinear problem fixing, Add GUI for mem use, oculos and nuntium package delivery
Framework: Effloresce Cerebrum
Framework Version: 0.01a
Framework Update: April 2 2024
Framework: Effloresce Cerebrum
Framework Version: 1.0b
Dlib face detection improvment with object detection. Facial Expression analysis in Dlib, compress to simple Qizy3. Package dilivery without modifiers in data. GUI update for status in PHP, store status time data in SQL. Raw file compression when not in use. Bias reduction in backgrounds / seperate pillars from front object to background
Framework: Effloresce Stomachum
Framework Version: 0.01a
Framework Update: Jan 24 2024
Framework: Effloresce Stomachum
Framework Version: 1.0b
Pillar data files to MySQL instead of flat .imp files. Design Pillar system for deeper learning profiles (half pillers), compression with CUDA and RAM combined. Move .01 data to new JBOD system.
Framework: Effloresce Oculos
Framework Version: 0.01a
Framework Update: Jan 24 2024
GUI: Effloresce Oculos
GUI Version: 0.01a
Effloresce Oculos Framework was stand alone, it is now integrated into Cerebrum and Cordis in Q2 of 2024 Oculos will be changing into the output GUI system for Effloresce, and not a standalone framework. Qt framework will be used for the GUI design of Oculos, and running the rendering of Cerebrum and Cordis packages.
Framework: Effloresce Nuntium
Framework Version: 0.01a
Framework Update: April 1 2024
Framework: Effloresce Nuntium
Framework Version: 1.0b
Project on temporary hold
Framework: Effloresce Auribus
Framework Version: 0.0
Framework Update: N/A
Framework: Effloresce Auribus
Framework Version: .01a
Project on temporary hold